I woke this morning to a distinctly cooler day, which took me immediately to September mornings–and the bustle of school mornings and that routine. I love the fall, but I haven’t had enough summer just yet. I still need to linger in a canoe with my feed dangling off the side. And smores– we’ve only had a few… What are some of your favorite summer time rituals? Let me know! I just may need to incorporate them into my summer time memories! Hey you SENIORS!!! Don’t forget to book your senior portrait session. Time is quickly running out… Cortney
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Hey Olympia Area Seniors!!! It's Photo time…

Don't have cookie cutter senior photos... let's create something totally you!
Beaming June Brides!
Passion makes for such romantic, memorable images… Every bride I’ve worked with has been happy on her wedding day, but Tessa was exceptionally happy. It was a joy to be around that much love! The weather was tremendous, the company playful and the waterfront wedding site was staggeringly beautiful. I believe she was the 6th wedding to be hosted at the home of her grandparents–a home in which they have lived for 50+ years during their 65+ years of marriage. Good omen indeed!
Yesterday I was able to photograph my adorable niece and nephew–Eva and Alex. My baby sister had a challenging pregnancy and Eva was born two months early. Her vibrant little personality was apparent even then–never needed oxygen or any sort of medical intervention–amazing!
They were headed home from the hospital with a tiny one just under 5 lbs. Well, as you can see…there is no worry about her thriving! My sister Erin is just about the most adorable, nurturing mom there is. I am so proud of her!!
How do they even see through all that fuzzy fur?
I recently photographed the most adorable, fuzz covered pup I’ve ever seen! Sophia is currently making the dog show rounds and winning every where she goes. It’s easy to see why… I mean how can you NOT want to wrap your arms around her? She was immaculately groomed and smelled wonderful! Such a love! Thanks for letting me photograph her Jeff! And keep up the winning streak!
Here are a few more images from our shoot…
Love in the Rain
We live in one of the most visually spectacular areas (in my opinion, the world)–nestled in the shadows of mountains, on the edge of waterfronts, and surrounded by lush greenery. Sure, rain has to be factored into the equation–how else would this verdant, vibrant glory exist? So for the authentic northwesterner, having it rain on your wedding day–is really no big deal.
I mean the rain passes …Why not have fun?
When the rain continued, Katy and Matt and I went indoors. With Alderbrook as the setting, we were guaranteed perfection. It is the epitome of a northwestern spa resort. You must go…
2009–I am SOOOOO Ready!
I’ve never really felt like New Years was all that “new.” For me, the fall has always been the time of renewals and grand starts–maybe it was the new school year, the waning sun and harvest time. I became a mother for the first time during the fall (many, many falls ago…) So, New Years has always been a bit underwhelming for me–as far as new beginnings go that is. Except for this year. This year has already been different. To start, I turned 40 at the beginning of the month. I’m not particularly attached to a number, but 40 has caused me to pause and take stock of all that I am grateful for–which is quite a lot! I hope to have at least another 40, 50 or 60 years… I spent my birthday in Arizona where I was attending Imaging USA–a wholly inspirational business event unto itself!
I then travelled to Sedona, AZ and found myself surrounded by staggering scenery and the spiritual energy of the wild energy vortexes. A friend and I hiked up for some quiet time and as I was sitting on the top of this plateau, a young couple from Japan arrived. The young man pulled a wooden flute from his pocket–and proceeded to play the most touching sounds for the next 20 minutes–incredible! It was seriously one of the most amazing experiences–a live soundtrack to meditate to! We also found our way to the Buddhist stupa–hidden in the center of town. It was amazing to have spent time in a place where people journey to from all over the world, focusing inward and clarifying their intentions. I am so grateful to have had a day there…
Back in Oly, energized and ready to get back to work. I did have a small diversion of a birthday party though… look at the whole Green clan of siblings made it! I took it easy–and felt great the next day. I can’t say the same for half of my siblings… glad I wasn’t on the front page of the family news!
And then…our AMAZING new leader to the reins of our country! My husband, son Em and I spent the day watching the crowds, listening to the speeches, and feeling FINALLY hopeful. I am so so so VERY proud our country elected Barack Obama as President!
You're NEVER Too Big For Santa!
For the past couple of weekends we’ve been hosting Santa–for visits and photos, complete with candy cane handoffs. It has been such a delight listening to the conversations held between Santa and his many admirers. We were in a bit of a lull when in walks my “baby” brother Zach. Bear in mind that he is now 6’3″ish and BUFF–even his head is buff… hee hee! This is the same little guy I used to drag around on my hip. Doubtful I could even lift him now…sad. Look at how cute he looks with Santa…and yes ladies, he IS single!
I’ve also been streaming an online radio station–Radio UK. I especially like the frequent rotations of Wham’s “Next Christmas” and the Waitresses–two 80’s faves. I cannot resist singing along–music has the ability to transform moods and I am IN the holiday spirit!
Only two more days with Santa! December 20 & 21, 2008 Noon – 4:00. Studio address: 418 Washington Street SE Oly 98501.
One 5×7 for $10.00–what a bargain! Hope to see you downtown Oly!
Fun-tymes, Downtown style
So, I’m not sure what it is about this time of the year, but “moments” seem catch me off guard, and in mere seconds, my eyes have pooled with tears and a lump in my throat makes swallowing difficult. I come from a family of bawl-babies though, so it is really nothing new for one of us to view say a tender commercial–say about diapers and those cute chubby legs that stick out of them, or maybe about soup, prepared by a loving mother on a cold, wintery day–and there are sniffling noses around the room. We like to call it “being emotionally in tune” around our household…ridiculous I know…whatever.
The day started out with the Bat Mitzvah of Leah D. It was one of those clear winter days that even smells cold–you know the scent, it’s clean and windy and smoky and fills your lungs with an invigorating blast of ice. Love it! Her family and friends were gathered to honor her and celebrate. It was a privilege to document such a momentous occasion. Leah is a confident, exuberant, beautiful young woman with the most luxurious auburn hair and a 1000 kilowatt smile. She laughs easily and is clearly a thoughtful, loyal friend. Thanks for allowing me to be a part of your Bat Mitzah Leah! That’s where the first few “moments” of my day began…
Then, we had SANTA in the studio!! He’s even more handsome in person–and you wouldn’t believe how soft his velvet suit is. I just may need something in red velvet for myself! (Except I would wear it inside out) So yes, Santa was in the studio on Saturday and Sunday (and will continue for the next two weekends! 12/13&14 and 12/20&21 Yay!) visiting with kids and taking photos. There is a very special wonder Santa holds for children. You wouldn’t believe some of the interactions– adorable, hilarious and completely endearing. Then Santa and I headed out to thank the wonderful baristas at Cafe Vita, my fave java place, for supplying us with the caffeinated fortification we all so needed. As we were walking down the street, people were smiling, waving, honking–it was crazy. Apparently EVERYONE knows this guy! One shopkeeper, my loverly fa-rend Jennyrose of room30 even got to snuggle! I hope Mrs. Claus doesn’t mind all of the attention he receives…indeed!
More moments continued as we made our way to dinner. We settled into a little table at Ramblin Jacks and enjoyed seeing familar faces wander through the doors. Friends on their way to film festivals, to holiday gatherings, or ending a day of downtown shopping. I asserted a battery of questions upon Jamie–random silly questions that made us all laugh and pause…WHAT was in your pocket again?
And the evening ended with picking up Emmett from our dear friends, the Pidones, where he had shared in choosing their family Christmas tree. One glass of wine turned into two and before we knew it we were gathered in the living room, with Kevin spinning actual ALBUMS from his massive collection– dancing to Duran Duran and belting out along with Carole King. Life is truly wonderful… Be well! Shed a tear or two. And oh, and come see me!