Tag Archives: Chehalis

A Cozy November Wedding, Hotel Washington, Chehalis, WA

I forget how wonderful Chehalis, Washington is…  with it’s bricked facades, memories of affluent times, quaint restaurants and antique shops–a little bit of heaven.  There are some really interesting little nuggets of gold in this town.  Take the cozy Hotel Washington Ballroom, with brick interior and rooftop views, located right in the middle of town.  It was a beautiful, chilled November day–perfect early winter weather.  The sun was out and the sky was so SO blue.  Dusty and Kristina didn’t mind wandering in and out of alleys with me, snuggling up to keep warm.  Kristina chose an intense shade of red to accent her wedding decor–her bridal bouquet of deep red roses, table tops with hurricane vases and holly, and the glowing white lights shimmering throughout the ballroom.  It was such a lovely setting.  The guests were happy and fed, and ready to hit the dance floor!  I only wished the antiques stores were still open late…Oh, well, guess I have a reason to head back to Chehalis soon!Montage-web