Spring has, apparently, arrived. The weather lately has been incredible! I have been excitedly planning my garden–both veggies and flowers–I am planting a cutting garden this year. I’ve always wanted one and can hardly wait to bring armloads of gorgeous flowers to make bouquets to share with my friends. We are also bringing in a new flock of chickens. Philip has been masterminding the Taj Mahal of chicken coops, I just want something that is safe for the girls, easy to clean and collect the huevos. But of course, I also want it to be adorable… All of the domesticity has my mind wandering from my workload, to dreaming of dinner meals. So while there is still a nip in the air, I figured a weeknight chuck roast was in order. We don’t eat a lot of meat, but when we do, I like to source as locally and fresh as possible. I like the Painted Hills grass fed meats.

After seasoning with salt and pepper, sear the roast on all sides in a bit of olive oil. Once it has browned, in goes a handful of freshly gathered herbs–rosemary, sage and thyme (sing if you’d like), a few cloves of roughly chopped garlic (leave the husks on, who cares) and one quartered yellow onion. Add 2 cups of water with a beef bouillon cube, cover and pop into a 350 degree oven for 3 1/2 hours. Now, back to work while dinner simmers away… Let me know if you make this and please share photos : )