Tag Archives: lifestyle portraits

New Series: The Makers {Portrait, Bremerton Office Machine Company} Bremerton, WA

Meeting interesting people is just ONE of the perks of my profession. I ran across a news story about a 93 year old gentleman from Bremerton who has been repairing typewriters for nearly 80+ years. What?  I have an old Royal typewriter that could use some help–and hadn’t even considered typewriter repair folks were still around, and fairly close!  I was immediately on the phone making arrangements to meet him.  Allow me to introduce Bob Montgomery, of Bremerton Office Machine Company.  I lugged my machine up the 5 flights (thank goodness for elevators) and expectantly waited to hear his appraisal.  His repair shop was packed to the gills with resource materials, tools, binders, machines patiently waiting, and a bespectacled Mr. Montgomery, atop his swiveling office chair, in the middle of it all.  You can be certain he knows EXACTLY where every single thing is in there too.  After locating the serial number, he pulled out a dog-eared manila folder full of well worn loose sheets, page after page full of columns of tiny numbers.  His finger navigating the way through the numbers, he tells me my machine was made in 1937 with the excitement of a gold prospector who found flecks in his pan.  Incredible to think of how many stories and correspondence were produced on this machine…  Apparently all it needs is a new ribbon and some deep cleaning!  I can’t wait to see how it works and looks.  Now to find some deliciously creamy typewriter paper…  Letters anyone?_DSC8514 _DSC8516 _DSC8519 _DSC8522 _DSC8526 _DSC8529 _DSC8533 _DSC8539 _DSC8548 _DSC8551 _DSC8563 _DSC8566 _DSC8572 _DSC8574 _DSC8581 _DSC8586 _DSC8599 _DSC8602 _DSC8603 _DSC8611

More senior love… Senior photo session, Olympia, WA

My husband coached a premier soccer team of the most adorable group of girls a few years back.  It was the first time he coached girls and I remember telling him he would have to adjust from the boys mentality. Girls need more time to connect–with one another and with you.  They need to feel that they are a valued member of the team.  Let them have 5-10 minutes at the start of practice to stretch, catch up and build those personal relationships with one another.  I remember him coming home from practice incredulous at the amount of time they would talk!  A great group of girls who formed long lasting friendships.  Here’s another fab soccer girl, Meegan.  I can’t believe how lovely these girls have become…DSC_5988TTDSC_5995TTDSC_6009TTDSC_6049TTDSC_6081TTDSC_5975TT