Newborn babies are such amazing, fragile creatures. They change so quickly from the soft wrinkled skin and stormy gray eyes. Their sweet yawns and squishy faces make for unexpected images, love that. Within just a few weeks they are on the way to chubville! Another babyhood phase I love. It was a sweet session with little Graya–this tiny nut was so dang strong. She was actually holding her own head waaaaay up! It such a joy to see new families figuring out the new routines and each other. Congratulations Jade and Tyler!
Tag Archives: olympia photographer
Winning some family time in Las Vegas, Family Portrait Session, Las Vegas, NV
I’m not a big gambler, but was thrilled to be heading to Las Vegas for the annual Wedding & Portrait Photographers International conference last week. I was able to catch up with my favorite photographer friends, make some new ones, and even hosted my brother Joshua who came in from LA for a couple of nights. He is the best dancer and we ended up staying at Studio 54 until nearly 4 am… oh, I’m still paying for that one!
One friend I loved seeing was my girl Allison from Montreal. Her husband Chris was tending to their adorable son Gabe during the lecture time, and would meet up now and then for a meal or quick visit. Thankfully, we were able to sneak in a quick little family session. We savored the palm trees swaying in the crisp blue sky, knowing that snow was waiting for us. I wish we’d had more time… but isn’t that always the case? Gabe was a little uncertain about the shoulder thing at first…He changed his mind quickly!
Mom and Dad even got a few moments of adult time…
Can’t wait to see you guys in Seattle!
Arm Art, Portrait Session, Olympia, WA
I met my fellow photographer and friend Martha a few years ago at a photography seminar. She is one of those instantly open and friendly people. The course focused on newborn/baby photography and we had a good time trying to replicate the poses with our purses and notebooks. Martha is an amazing photographer–I love her style! She recently began having her first tattoo inked and wanted to document the process. Yeah, self portraiture of your own arm just doesn’t really work… so she will be stopping by the studio before each session in Portland. I’m excited to see the next phase. Watch the evolution with me : )
Best smile ever! Teen Portrait Session, Olympia, WA
Today I photographed the ever so adorable Shelby. She has these intensely green eyes and an exuberant smile with perfectly straight teeth. Such a sweet kid!As we talked, we found out we shared lots of mutual friends, that they knew my older son through the soccer shop, my younger son and nephew through choir, it just went on and on. It was one of those times where living in a smaller, connected community felt so right. I asked Shelby how she heard about me and her response was a little shrug, a smile and “just everybody”–I must confess I had my own little Sally Fields moment of “They like me! They really, really like me!” hahaha!! So thanks Shelby and Candice for making the start of my weekend so very smiley. And you know, I like you all right back!