A family photograph–such an important image to document. So why do we put it off? Thankfully, the Swindler family made time together : ) We spent a lovely little hike through the woods to emerge into a bright and busy Puget Sound beach. Now if I can only manage to do the same with my own family… Thanks again for making time with me! I love LOVE the images : )
Tag Archives: olympia
There's just something so magical about a newborn…
Yesterday the world welcomed Samarra! Who needs a May Day bouquet when you have chubby cheeks to smell and kiss? I’ve been friends with Annie for nearly 30 year (that sounds so strange to say!) She is the sweetest Momma to Saffron and now adorable lil Samarra, lucky lucky girls! I dropped by for a quick visit this afternoon and here she was, not even 24 hours old, bright eyed and so calm…until diaper change time! This kid just might be a singer! What lungs! Big sis Saff was enjoying coloring and figuring out who this new person was–Samarra will be well tended to with Saff for a sis. Congrats you guys!! xoxo Cort
Best smile ever! Teen Portrait Session, Olympia, WA
Today I photographed the ever so adorable Shelby. She has these intensely green eyes and an exuberant smile with perfectly straight teeth. Such a sweet kid!As we talked, we found out we shared lots of mutual friends, that they knew my older son through the soccer shop, my younger son and nephew through choir, it just went on and on. It was one of those times where living in a smaller, connected community felt so right. I asked Shelby how she heard about me and her response was a little shrug, a smile and “just everybody”–I must confess I had my own little Sally Fields moment of “They like me! They really, really like me!” hahaha!! So thanks Shelby and Candice for making the start of my weekend so very smiley. And you know, I like you all right back!
University of Washington does more than educate…it nurtures young love
I first met Danielle when she was starting her senior year of high school at Tumwater High School. We wandered along Tumwater Falls Park snapping photos and talked of her future, of college plans and wanting to attend the University of Washington. She was a sweet, bright and excited young woman. I knew that she would find success in her college years with that combination. And she did, as well as find an adorable young man with the same sweet spirit and exuberance for life.
Jamie waited patiently to see his gorgeous bride.
She was worth the wait…
The had some of the funniest touches during their wedding. Guests were entertained before the ceremony with a multi-media show–a slideshow and mini movie that had people laughing one minute and tearing up the next. Well done!
There was a break in the sprinkling rain and we dashed outside to capture some autumn afternoon photos.
The perfect amount of sun popped through to help make parasol magic.
And the fall colors soaked up every ray of sun and sent the glorious honey filled tones right back to me.
Jamie shared one of his favorite passages. Lovely to see such deeply spiritual people.
And one last moment with her Dad before heading down the aisle. Nothing but smiles…
Heading into the reception, we had to stop for a quick twirl : )
And the last shot of the night reveals the silly side. Danielle and Jamie kept the stoic expression despite the frivolity around them. Way to pull that shot off! Loved LOVED capturing your day. Can’t wait to see what the future holds for you two… xoxo Cortney
Glorious Fall Wedding at Alderbrook Resort, Union, WA
Autumn in the northwest can be as close to perfect as it gets…when the weather cooperates. For Missy and Matt’s wedding in early October, Alderbrook Resort in Union, Washington was utterly glorious. Something the die hard Northwesterners don’t eagerly share with out of towners– needless to say, their California guests were loving every second of it–with group hikes and golfing excursions planned, along with lots of leisure time. The pace of the day was unhurried, just how I like it. Plenty of time to capture the many details of their day.Matt’s childhood baby bonnet was tucked into Missy’s bouquet.
And the Rock of Gilbrater, a family heirloom, found it’s place around Missy’s neck after spending some time with Moet & Chandon…
Missy’s Dad quickly teared up seeing her in the gown.
And family members were lovingly adorned with bursts of fall color.
Everyone needed just a smidge of lips…
And the nervous bride took a moment before heading out to the dock to see her groom.
Just a tiny bit happy…
And a tiny bit nervous…
And then a LOT happier…
Her God-daughter was the picture perfect flower girl. Those curls could possibly be illegally adorable.
And the groomsmen, well, they were ready with their “Fire Powah”
A dash of Charlie’s Angels.
And how often do you have Secret Service men as your groom attendants?
These tackle ball fans paid tribute with their cake. USC and WSU colors fit perfectly with the fall theme.
And an adorable harpist set the tone for cocktail hour by the water.
The night wore on and true colors began to emerge…a sense of humor is an absolute necessity when entering marriage. Can I get a HOLLA? Congrats Missy and Matt–enjoy California but you’ll be back… : ) xox Cortney
More senior love… Senior photo session, Olympia, WA
My husband coached a premier soccer team of the most adorable group of girls a few years back. It was the first time he coached girls and I remember telling him he would have to adjust from the boys mentality. Girls need more time to connect–with one another and with you. They need to feel that they are a valued member of the team. Let them have 5-10 minutes at the start of practice to stretch, catch up and build those personal relationships with one another. I remember him coming home from practice incredulous at the amount of time they would talk! A great group of girls who formed long lasting friendships. Here’s another fab soccer girl, Meegan. I can’t believe how lovely these girls have become…
Nicknames, pig tails and growing up: High School Senior Session, Olympia, WA
When you’ve lived in the same town for close to 20 years, you get to know people. A LOT of them… It’s always sobering when I am asked to do senior photos of young people I’ve know since they were really young. Like Emily–who was affectionately nicknamed “Pippi” by my husband who was her soccer coach when she was 12. She used to wear her hair in the most adorable pigtails–and since there was more than one Emily on the team, a nickname was clearly in order. And now, close to 18, she is still… Pippi. I love that. I love seeing these beautiful tomboys, flourish into accomplished young women. I’ll have to rustle up some “real” Pippi photos… : )
SSSS…super sweet, senior sessions. Senior portraits, Downtown Olympia, WA and beyond…
Hey Seniors… Yes it’s THAT time! Complete your session before July and receive 10% off your session fee. Refer a friend and you BOTH get a credit of $25!
All senior clients will be entered into a drawing for an iPad–yep that’s right! An iPad with ALL OF YOUR IMAGES loaded onto it! SaaaaWEET! Drawing will be held during ArtsWalk at 7pm–Friday, October 1, 2010. Call the studio to book your session today! 360.357.2889. Space is limited…don’t miss out!
I love my morning walks with Ruby. Forget the iPod, I prefer to walk in silence, sorting out my day, processing the frenetic thoughts bouncing around. I try to explore as many different trails as possible throughout the year. I spent a lovely, chilled morning walking along the McLane Forest trail the other day. What a beautiful place. I feel so lucky to have access to such a resource. Take some time and go for a walk… you’ll like it, but then why wouldn’t you?
The Things We Ate…Thanksgiving 2009, Olympia, WA
Thanksgiving Day started off with a light breakfast of buttermilk, pumpkin and pecan waffles, mango/orange juice and REAL maple syrup. Emmett assisted in the preparation of roasted brussel sprouts and candied yams/sweet potatoes. We headed over to Grampa & Nana Kelleys for a lunch at 1:00. We chose to forego dessert since dinner (Thanksgiving Dinner #2) was just a few hours later… Heading back to West Oly, we gathered at Grampa and Gramma Greens for another wonderful meal. Thanks to Megan for the wonderful bacon wrapped dates. Dad made both a turkey and ham… it’s just too difficult to choose, plus he was feeding a small army! The evening wound down with satiated boys, snuggled on the couch, the blue light of their gameboys illuminating glazed eyes. I love Thanksgiving–the gathering of family and friends without all the over-hyped commercialism of Christmas… Today, I think I will just eat a banana…