Tag Archives: Smiling

Cheeks and Chubs, Jack’s 3 month portrait session {Olympia baby photographer, Olympia, WA}

Babies!  It’s such a treat to have little ones in the studio, especially when they have cheeks like Jack.  This sweet little guy is such a happy, smiley, cooing, drooling bundle of cuteness!  His momma Nichole is already his biggest fan, laughing easily over our failed #Pinterest attempt to cover his face in red lipstick smooches.  Dang it!  How to keep those smooches smear free is beyond me!  Still completely adorable though…  I can’t wait to see what he does next! xo_DSC4116 _DSC4199 _DSC4234 _DSC4321

Sweet, Young Love, Engagement Portrait Session, Olympia, WA

I fell immediately in love with Daniel and Brittney when we met last summer. I was so honored when they asked me to photograph their wedding. They are heading into their senior year of college and are the most lovely college sweethearts. I love working with creatives–she’s into visual art, he’s into music, and I’m just in heaven : ) We spent a perfect afternoon playing around downtown Olympia and creating such fun and playful images. Thanks you guys! I can’t wait for August!

A Day at the Beach, Family Portrait Session, Burfoot Park, Olympia, WA

A family photograph–such an important image to document. So why do we put it off? Thankfully, the Swindler family made time together : ) We spent a lovely little hike through the woods to emerge into a bright and busy Puget Sound beach. Now if I can only manage to do the same with my own family… Thanks again for making time with me! I love LOVE the images : ) DSC_2456-EditDSC_2510-EditDSC_2695-EditDSC_2687-EditDSC_2605-Edit

The Smilers, Engagement Session, Olympia (Boston Harbor), WA

DSC_1129-EditLike Buddy the Elf, I like smiling.  I can safely say, it IS my Favorite.  That, and laughing–I’m pretty good at both of them too.  But meet Dan and Gabi, two people who clearly also like smiling, and laughing, and just being adorably in love.

I first met Dan when he was a wild 18 year old soccer player with the Blackhills Football Club (BHFC).  I remember taking a team photo for them — Dan decided to embellish his look with a piece of wheat grass hanging out of his mouth, it really made the photo… yep, that’s Dan.  He’s still a bit wild. Thankfully, I think he’s met his match–maybe not as wild as him, but she seems like she can most definitely hold her own! Yay!

Gabi and I met at the holiday party for the BHFC coaches (my husband Philip is also a coach with Dan).  Part of the evening festivities was a white elephant gift exchange–always a hilarious and mildly inappropriate game…  Some people brought coffee baskets, some people brought used athletic gear and SOME people brought a fifth of delicious tequila and a darling PHOTO of themselves… guess who brought the gift and guess who fought to win it?!  Yep, Dan and Gabi brought the photo and yours truly, thoroughly enjoyed the tequila.  I have the photo on my desk right now, and every time a look at it, it makes me smile. Smile at two people who are really REALLY good a smiling… I can’t wait for their wedding.  There will be LOADS of smiling then!

It also didn’t hurt that they were leaving in the morning for Mexico.  Yeah, I’d be smiling too…

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