Tag Archives: south Capitol

Where did the last 20 years go? Anniversary, Olympia, WA

Hoodoo Gurus Concert
20 years ago today, Philip, Austin and I gathered in front of a cozy fire in our home in the south Capitol neighborhood. Snow had been falling most of the day, and a glowing, silent landscape had emerged. My sister Melissa and Philip’s good friend Scott stood as witnesses for us, as we fumbled our way through a ceremony. The snow had prevented the officiant from making it to our home, and so we were on our own. We smiled, laughed and raised our champagne glasses, toasting one another. We then headed out into the still evening for a walk through the wintery scene, our first walk as a “married” couple and family. We began our relationship as friends, and it soon blossomed into something more, and before we knew it, we were young parents full of hope and feeling we could conquer the world. And so, 20 years later, we still feel like those young parents, full of hope. Only now it is tempered by the sweet contentment of the many memories we have shared, but still full of hope for many more to come. I am so grateful to have a partner who is not only my friend, but who is truly my biggest fan and supporter. I love you Philip, and I love the life we have created together. Happy Anniversary…