Tag Archives: wedding photography

The Baby Gets Married! Schmidt Mansion, Olympia, WA

My younger brother Zachary was married this past Saturday–the baby of a family of six kids, of which four of those older siblings are sisters.  When he was little we would drag him around on our hips, put him in dresses and generally dote on him.  He was such a funny little kid, razor wit and humor, even at four. And he still is completely hilarious.  I know that’s one thing Desiree loves about him… we all do! Who doesn’t like to laugh?

Zach proposed to his bride Desiree last year when we were all on holiday in Maui.  It was so special to be able to share that with them, and to celebrate their engagement in such a stunning place.

Their wedding day was glorious–absolutely perfect sunny weather.  One of those days in the Northwest that helps us to remember why we endure the long gray months of fall, winter and most of spring (ha).

It was a lovely ceremony and GREAT party!  I love being with all of my siblings–they are all creative, expressive and so dang fun.  It was A LOT of family time time this weekend, but surprisingly drama free! I hope Zach and Desiree are stretched out on a Mexican beach sipping margaritas about now…  Too bad I couldn’t convince them to take me along for Honeymoon photo coverage!  DSC_5999-EditDSC_6005-EditDSC_6026-EditDSC_6042-EditDSC_6049-EditDSC_6051-EditDSC_6095-EditDSC_6111-EditDSC_6127-EditDSC_6162-EditDSC_6164-EditDSC_6186-EditDSC_6190-EditDSC_6212-EditDSC_6223-EditDSC_6277-EditDSC_6284-EditDSC_6294-EditDSC_6305-EditDSC_6311-EditDSC_6316-EditDSC_6346-EditDSC_6368-EditDSC_6378-EditDSC_6390-EditDSC_6391-EditDSC_6395-EditDSC_6396-EditDSC_6398-EditDSC_6451-EditDSC_6457-EditDSC_6496-EditDSC_6502-EditDSC_6777-EditDSC_7019-EditDSC_7160-EditDSC_7333-EditDSC_7345-EditDSC_7350-EditDSC_7626-EditDSC_7631-Edit

The Smilers, Engagement Session, Olympia (Boston Harbor), WA

DSC_1129-EditLike Buddy the Elf, I like smiling.  I can safely say, it IS my Favorite.  That, and laughing–I’m pretty good at both of them too.  But meet Dan and Gabi, two people who clearly also like smiling, and laughing, and just being adorably in love.

I first met Dan when he was a wild 18 year old soccer player with the Blackhills Football Club (BHFC).  I remember taking a team photo for them — Dan decided to embellish his look with a piece of wheat grass hanging out of his mouth, it really made the photo… yep, that’s Dan.  He’s still a bit wild. Thankfully, I think he’s met his match–maybe not as wild as him, but she seems like she can most definitely hold her own! Yay!

Gabi and I met at the holiday party for the BHFC coaches (my husband Philip is also a coach with Dan).  Part of the evening festivities was a white elephant gift exchange–always a hilarious and mildly inappropriate game…  Some people brought coffee baskets, some people brought used athletic gear and SOME people brought a fifth of delicious tequila and a darling PHOTO of themselves… guess who brought the gift and guess who fought to win it?!  Yep, Dan and Gabi brought the photo and yours truly, thoroughly enjoyed the tequila.  I have the photo on my desk right now, and every time a look at it, it makes me smile. Smile at two people who are really REALLY good a smiling… I can’t wait for their wedding.  There will be LOADS of smiling then!

It also didn’t hurt that they were leaving in the morning for Mexico.  Yeah, I’d be smiling too…

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Vintage Fields, Beer Sampling and a Yes/No Coin, Engagement Session, Olympia & Southwest, WA

Meet Heather and Michael.  Not only do they have their wedding to plan for summer of 2012, but they have 20 acres to clear, a bridge to construct, and a house to build. And that’s happening before the wedding…  I don’t doubt for a single second that these two dynamos will pull it all off, with grace.  It doesn’t hurt that Michael is a bridge engineer and has an army of talented people ready to start working. They are going to create a stunning home–I can’t wait to see it.

It was a complete treat to visit their incredible property, envisioning their home, high up on a ridge over looking a valley of trees.  I can’t imagine a more beautiful place to live. Sigh…

We ended the session at the Spar for a mini bevvie sampling.  I pulled out my Yes/No coin–so much easier than actually making my own decisions (hahaha) -the coin and the beer both say Yes to this match : )


A Midsummer Wedding, Indian Summer Country Club, Olympia, WA

It was a sun dappled afternoon for Rebecca and Alex’s wedding, that though still close to 80 degrees, had cooled considerably from the low 90’s earlier in the week!  Thankfully there was plenty of shade to tuck into and every so often, a slight breeze would find it’s way through.  With their blond curls, they made the most adorable couple.  When Alex turned to see his bride for the first time, his smile was so unbelievably tender, eyes all around welled up.


DSC_3165TDSC_3174TThe bright, happy colors of yellow and sage green were perfect– mimicking the happy attitude of the wedding party gang. The was certainly no lack of laughter in this group!  Newbury Bay ( http://newburybay.com/ ) provided the most vibrant floral arrangements, and Angela from Weddings with Joy  ( http://weddingswithjoy.com/ )was there to make certain the bridal party looked their best up to the last moment.DSC_3251T

DSC_3386TDSC_3418TDSC_4105TDSC_4157TDSC_4814TThanks for allowing me to be part of your day!  Hope you have a wonderful time in Florida!